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The Definitive Best Umbrella Stroller List of 2025

When you buy a full-size stroller or travel system, it feels like a big purchase. When you’re looking for the best umbrella stroller, not so much. After all, these are famous for being easy to find, cheap, and lightweight.

But the truth is, some of these strollers can get pretty expensive – and some of the cheapest aren’t worth buying.

What should you look for when buying an umbrella stroller? Do you even need one? Can you use it for a newborn?

In this article, we’ll answer all of those questions and more. Read on for the list of 2025‘s top eight umbrella strollers, in descending order.

Our Top Picks for the Best Umbrella Strollers of 2025

#1. Maclaren Techno XT Stroller (best overall)

Maclaren Techno XT Stroller

Maclaren‘s Techno XT combines most of the features of a full-size stroller into a slim, lightweight umbrella stroller. It’s high-end and the price reflects that – but if you’re looking to buy a single stroller instead of a full-size and then an umbrella stroller, you’ll want to consider this as your top option.

The good: Maclaren‘s Techno XT has an extendable and waterproof canopy, a carry strap, a two-position leg rest, a huge and extendable canopy window, a nice-sized storage basket…and extendable handlebars for taller parents. The stroller comes with a rain cover, and includes a head pillow for younger infants as well as a built in “hood” and “boot” for added safety. And while you can’t use a car seat with the Techno XT, there is an option to purchase a compatible bassinet.

The not-so-good: This stroller isn’t compatible with car seats, and one parent complained that the shoulder straps were a pain to use. Also, it doesn’t have a fully reclining seat.

The best: Not only is the Techno XT machine washable, it can be used for newborns weighing five pound and up – a feature incredibly hard to find in the world of umbrella strollers.

Is it for you? If you’re looking for a full-featured umbrella stroller that will give you the benefits of a full-size stroller but without the weight and bulk, and don’t mind not having a travel system, Maclaren’s Techno XT is the stroller for you.

Click here to see today's price for the Maclaren Techno XT on Amazon

#2. UPPAbaby G-Luxe Stroller (runner up)

UPPAbaby G-Luxe Stroller

UPPAbaby’s G-Luxe aims to be what its name implies: luxurious. This umbrella stroller can be used for babies over three months of age, and single front wheels make it easier to maneuver. UPPAbaby’s warranty reflects their products’ quality: Its automatic 2-year warranty and an option to extend the warranty to three years, making this stroller one of the longest-guaranteed we’ve reviewed.

The good: A high-end umbrella stroller, the G-Luxe can stand on its own after being folded, has a flip-flop friendly brake, and a cup holder. It also has a large and extendable canopy and a long carrying strap that can be slung over your shoulder. Its leg rest can be adjusted to a vertical position for sitting and a horizontal position for napping, and there’s a storage pocket on the back of the canopy.

The not-so-good: At sixteen pounds, this is one of the heavier umbrella strollers. The other drawbacks are that it can’t be used for babies under three months of age, and lacks a canopy window.

The best: The G-Luxe’s fabric is both water- and stain-resistant, can be removed, and is machine washable. Its storage basket is large, with a high weight capacity.

Is it for you? If you’re looking for a quality umbrella stroller that can hold babies less than three months old, has lots of storage, and is easy to clean, the UPPAbaby G-Luxe is the one for you.

Click here to see today's price for the UPPAbaby G-Luxe on Amazon

#3. Summer Infant 3Dlite Lightweight Stroller (best for budget)

Summer Infant 3DLite Lightweight Stroller

Summer Infant’s 3Dlite convenience stroller offers great value for a relatively low (two-digit) price. While it lacks many of the Maclaren Techno XT’s features, it’s still a relatively lightweight stroller, easy to use and carry, and offers a nice amount of storage space.

Though it’s not clear from the site, an Amazon response from the manufacturer indicates that this stroller can be used from birth up to 50 lbs.

The good: The Summer Infant 3D lite is easy to open and close, and its seatbelt is easy to adjust. It offers a cup holder and a pocket on the back of the canopy, as well as an easy-to-reach storage basket. Also, it has a long carry strap allowing parents to comfortably sling it over a shoulder.

The not-so-good: The 3D lite needs to be spot cleaned, reclining the seat takes two hands, and it doesn’t have a canopy window.

The best: The 3D lite has larger wheels than most umbrella strollers, making it easier to maneuver, as well as a high weight capacity for its storage basket.

Is it for you? If you’re on a tight budget but need a good umbrella stroller that’s easy to maneuver, choose Summer Infant’s 3Dlite.

Click here to see today's price for the Summer Infant 3Dlite on Amazon

#4. Joovy Groove Ultralight Umbrella Stroller

Joovy Groove Ultralight Umbrella Stroller

Like the 3Dlite, the Joovy Groove Ultralight has larger wheels than most umbrella strollers, offering more maneuverability. Also like the 3Dlite, the Ultralight has a large storage basket and reclining the seat takes two hands.

However, unlike the 3Dlite, this stroller has a canopy window and is intended for use with newborns – meaning it can be used from birth.

The good: Though the handle isn’t adjustable, taller parents (6′ and over) have said that they’re comfortable with the handle height. Joovy’s Groove Ultralight also has a relatively high weight capacity, an adjustable leg rest, a large canopy with two pockets on the back, and a cup holder. It also has a long carrying strap, which can be slung over a parent’s shoulder.

The not-so-good: This isn’t the cheapest umbrella stroller out there, and some parents found it difficult to fold. Like the previous strollers mentioned, it’s not compatible with car seats.

The best: The Groove Ultralight has reflective strips on the canopy, and tall parents found it comfortable to push. Plus, it can be used from birth, and has a pocket near the seat that’s perfect for keeping sippy cups, bottles, and snacks in your child’s reach.

Is it for you? If you want an umbrella stroller that can be used from birth, but don’t need everything the Techno XT offers, go for the Groove Ultralight.

Click here to see today's price for the Joovy Groove Ultralight on Amazon

#5. Summer Infant 3Dflip Convenience Umbrella Stroller (best for interacting with baby)

3Dflip Convenience Umbrella Stroller

Summer Infant’s 3Dflip is the only stroller on this list (and possibly the only one around) which offers parents the option to of a seat which can both rear-face and forward-face. However, unlike many full-size strollers, the 3Dflip’s rear-facing option is limited to a “bassinet” which can’t be used for babies over 25 lbs.

The good: The 3Dflip offers a parent cup holder, a footrest, and a canopy window. It also has six recline positions – three which can be used rear-facing, and three which can be used forward-facing. When the seat faces forward, the recline is about 170 degrees – not 100% flat, but pretty close.

The not-so-good: It’s not always easy to fold and unfold, and it’s not car seat compatible. Also, this stroller isn’t machine washable.

The best: Parents reported that the Summer 3Dflip is comfortable for taller parents (over 6′) as well as lightweight and sturdy. Also, switching the seat’s direction is simple and easy.

Is it for you? If you’re looking for a versatile umbrella stroller for under $100, don’t need it to hold your car seat, and want to be able to interact with your baby while you push, this is the one for you.

Click here to see today's price for the Summer Infant 3Dflip Convenience Stroller on Amazon

#6. Maclaren Triumph Stroller (best lightweight)

Maclaren Triumph Stroller

Maclaren’s Triumph is a high-end umbrella stroller offering several perks and convenient features: It has a carrying strap, suspension on all four wheels, and offers front wheels that lock in place for a smoother ride on slopes. Plus, it meets global (instead of just national) safety standards.

The good: The Maclaren Triumph is fully padded, has a huge and extendable canopy, and lots of storage – including a large storage basket and a pocket on the back of the canopy.

The not-so-good: This stroller can’t be used for babies under 6 months old, and it doesn’t seem to be car seat compatible. Also, there’s no canopy window.

The best: Maclaren’s Triumph, like the company’s other strollers, is machine washable. Plus, it comes with the rain cover included.

Is it for you? If you’re looking for a high-end umbrella stroller that will last for years, is easy to carry, and has lots of storage, this is the best umbrella stroller for you.

Click here to see today's price for the Maclaren Triumph on Amazon

#7. Inglesina Net Travel Stroller

Inglesina Net Umbrella Stroller

The Inglesina Net is considered to be a middle-of-the-road umbrella stroller – not the best, not the worst. Its handles are not adjustable, but this is considered a good stroller for taller parents, due to the handles’ height. It’s also easy to push, and truly stands on its own when folded.

The good: Inglesina’s Net has a long carrying strap, a cup holder, and a unique mesh base, allowing better air flow. It also has a buckle cover.

The not-so-good: Though this stroller technically has 2 recline positions, both of them leave the child pretty much upright. Also, it doesn’t have a canopy window.

The best: The Inglesina Net’s seat fabric can be removed easily and washed properly (by hand, in cold water). Also, it can be used for babies from three months and up.

Is it for you? If you’re looking for an umbrella stroller for your toddler, want to be able to remove the fabric, and aren’t planning to have him nap in it, the Inglesina Net is a good choice.

Click here to see today's price for the Inglesina Net on Amazon

#8. Delta Children LX Double Stroller

Delta Children LX Umbrella Stroller

While the Delta Children’s LX isn’t in the same class as the ones above it, it does bear mentioning due to its simplicity, low price (two digits), and the value per dollar that it provides.

The good: With its larger wheels, the LX stands a good chance of being in the “more maneuverable” category, and its canopy has a pocket in the back. It also comes with a cup holder.

The not-so-good: It’s not clear if this stroller can be used for newborns. On the one hand, its minimum weight limit is pretty low. On the other, no minimum age limit is provided – and if it were suitable for newborns, Delta would probably emphasize that fact. Also, there’s no information on the warranty.

It bears mentioning that the maximum weight – 45 lbs – is relatively low for an umbrella stroller.

The best: Some parents noted that the Delta Children LX is good for taller and larger toddlers, since its seat is relatively high and wide.

Is it for you? If you’re looking for a simple umbrella stroller that won’t break the bank, you’ll want to look into purchasing the LX.

Click here to see today's price for the Delta Children LX on Amazon

Want to see how the details compare?

Stroller Weight Weight capacity Newborns? Machine washable? Canopy window? Extendable canopy? Warranty
Delta Children LX 16.4 lbs (7.45 kg) 4-45 lbs (1.82 – 20.45 kg) Not clear No Yes No No information
Inglesina Net 11.2 lbs (5kg) 3 months to 55 lbs (25 kg) No Removable, but hand wash. No Yes 2 years, original owner only
Joovy Groove Ultralight 15.7 lbs (7.13 kg) 55 lbs (25 kg) Yes No Yes No 2 years
Maclaren Techno XT 13.8/ 15 lbs
(6.27/ 6.8 kg)
5-50 lbs (2.72 – 22.72 kg) Yes Yes Yes Yes Lifetime with caveats
Maclaren Triumph 11.5 lbs (5.23 kg) 55 lbs (25 kg) 6+ months Yes No Yes Lifetime with caveats
Summer 3Dflip Convenience Stroller 14 lbs (6.36 kg) 25 lbs (11.36 kg) rear-facing; 50 lbs (22.72 kg) forward- facing Not clear No Yes Canopy is larger than average, but not extendable. 12 months, only for manufacturer defects.
Summer 3Dlite 13 lbs (5.9 kg) Birth to 50 lbs (22.72 kg) Yes No No Yes 12 months, only for manufacturer defects.
UPPAbaby G-Luxe 16.3 lbs (7.4 kg) 3 months to 55 lbs (25 kg) No Yes No Yes 2 years with option to extend to 3 years by registering. Original purchaser only.

Frequently Asked Questions

What makes an umbrella stroller?

Umbrella strollers get their name from how they fold: like an umbrella. Because of that folding mechanism – in which two bars in the back fold upwards and allow the stroller’s sides to come together – umbrella strollers generally have two separate handles, and are relatively lightweight strollers and compact.

The flip side, of course, is that umbrella strollers generally lack the sturdy bulk necessary to keep a tiny newborn safe. And they don’t always recline enough for newborns, either. Some umbrella strollers make up for this by offering the option to attach a car seat. However, unless a company explicitly lists this as a feature of their umbrella stroller, using umbrella strollers with a car seat places your baby’s safety at risk.

In general, umbrella strollers have two main advantages: Their compact size, and their lower price. While traditional, “full size” strollers generally weigh about 20 lbs (9.09 kg) (on the low end), umbrella strollers can weigh just 11-15 lbs (5 – 6.81 kg). And since umbrella strollers fold compactly, they can be placed, standing, in practically any corner of the house or garage.

An additional plus is that umbrella strollers can usually be carried over a parent’s shoulder, by either using a strap provided by the company or attaching a strap purchased independently.

Note that often, umbrella strollers don’t handle uneven terrain as well as full-size strollers do. This shouldn’t be an issue on city sidewalks, but gravel, sand, and dirt roads may present a significant challenge.

Also note that while all the umbrella strollers listed in this article have footrests and five-point harnesses, none of them are compatible with car seats of any kind.

Who should (and shouldn’t) buy an umbrella stroller?

Parents purchasing an umbrella stroller generally already have an older baby, preschool, or toddler, whose weight in combination with their full-size stroller’s weight became increasingly difficult to push. Umbrella strollers are great for toddlers who don’t always need a stroller, but who will need one for long trips, travel, or the occasional nap during errands.

That said, some new parents are eager to skip the duplicity and extra expense, and buy only an umbrella stroller. This can work – but only if you buy an umbrella stroller which can be used from birth, or one that can hold a car seat.

If the only reason you want an umbrella stroller is because of the prices – don’t. You’ll be better off buying a used stroller or watching for a sale on one of the budget-friendly sturdier strollers. Also, avoid umbrella strollers if you hike or jog a lot. These lightweight strollers aren’t intended for heavy jogging, and lack the safety features which make jogging strollers safe to jog with.

Regardless of whether you’re looking for a lightweight travel stroller or a companion for your toddler on long outings, watch the prices: The cheapest umbrella strollers aren’t always worth it, and if you’re going to shell out $500, you may want to consider whether there’s a full-size stroller that will meet your needs. See our more general stroller guide for additional types of strollers.

How do I choose the right set of wheels?

Keep in mind that you’re looking for a lightweight umbrella stroller that is easy to carry and to maneuver. You’re also looking for something to use now, when you need it. If you’re thinking to use a sling for the first few months, you’ll be better off either buying an umbrella stroller that can be used from birth, or buying a full-size stroller.

And if you know you’re going to be traveling by car a lot, and don’t want to transfer your baby out of the car seat, consider purchasing either a travel system or a stroller frame that will give your car seat wheels.

Can umbrella strollers hold car seats?

Some can, and some can’t. If this is important to you, be sure to buy a model which is compatible with your infant’s car seat. None of the best umbrella strollers listed in this article is car seat compatible.

Can you jog with an umbrella stroller?

No. Even the best umbrella strollers are not meant for jogging, and using an umbrella stroller as a jogging stroller places your baby’s life and safety at risk. In general, misuse of baby products causes thousands of injuries every year, so it’s important to stay educated on what science has to say on baby gear health and safety.

If you’re looking for a jogging stroller, check out this list of jogging strollers, where we explain each stroller’s safety features, what to look for, and what to avoid.

Which umbrella stroller is best for parents on a budget?

If you are parenting on a tight budget, you should look at one of Summer Infant’s strollers (either the 3Dlite or the 3Dflip), as well as Delta Children’s LX. All three made it to our list of the best umbrella strollers and can be purchased for double-digit prices.

Which umbrella stroller is best for newborns?

Parents who are looking for the best umbrella strollers for newborns have a few options: Maclaren’s Techno XT, Summer Infant’s 3Dlite, and Joovy’s Groove Ultralight.

If you have the money, go for the Techno XT – it’s practically a full-size stroller in umbrella. No competition there.

Otherwise, choose either the 3Dlite or the Groove Ultralight, depending on your budget.

Which umbrella stroller is best for tall parents?

If you or your spouse is tall, Maclaren’s Techno XT, Inglesina Net, Joovy’s Groove Ultralight, and Summer Infant’s 3Dflip are all comfortable umbrella strollers for parents about 6 feet tall. As a bonus, the 3Dflip has a higher back than most, allowing taller toddlers to sit comfortably.

Do you have any additional info if I need a double umbrella stroller?

Check out our list of double umbrella strollers. You’ll find that it includes a variety of options, whether you are looking for a fully reclining seat, a diaper bag holder, a large storage basket, a stroller that holds infant car seats, or a particularly compact stroller, I’m sure you’ll find what you need.

The bottom line

My top pick was the Maclaren Techno XT: It’s good from birth, absolves parents of the need to buy a full-size stroller, and it’s a lightweight umbrella stroller.

The runner-up for quality is the UPPAbaby G-Luxe, but for parents who need a stroller for newborns, we’d definitely suggest the Summer Infant 3Dlite.

If you’re looking for the best lightweight umbrella stroller, go for the Maclaren Triumph

At the end of the day, though, it depends on what you need: Before buying an umbrella stroller, examine your needs and your budget. Then reread this article and find the stroller that’s right for you.

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