Baby boys are such fun! I have two of my own and they are total outdoor adventure lovers.
If you are expecting a new baby and love the great outdoors, you have come to right the place. Choosing a baby name is a very important task and many families struggle with finding the perfect one for their little baby. If you are expecting a bouncy baby boy, these nature-inspired names for boys may give you the inspiration that you are searching for.
There are several categories drawn from natural elements below to help you narrow down the perfect name for your new bundle of joy. Plus, you may even get lucky and find a great middle name to pair with it as well!
Table of Contents
Tree-Inspired Baby Boy Names
Are you look for a strong name? Tree names make great baby names! Whether it means oak tree or evergreen tree, you will have several options to choose from.
1. Acer
Origin: Hebrew
This is a Latin nature name that means “maple tree.”
2. Acker
Origin: German, English
This Latin name means “meadows of oak trees.”
3. Alder
Origin: Old English
This is a cool tree name. It is of Old English origin and it refers to the alder tree. Their wood is used to make electric guitars.
4. Asher
Origin: English
This name means “ash tree” in English and “blessed” in Hebrew.
5. Beech
Origin: English
This is a simple nature name. It is of English origin and means “beech tree.”
6. Birk
Origin: English
The meaning of this name is “bright” in French and “birch tree” in English.
7. Bjarki
Origin: Icelandic, Old Norse
This name is actually Icelandic and Old Norse. It means “birch tree.”
8. Bruce
Origin: English, Scottish, French
The meaning of this tree name is “the willow lands.” It is of English, Scottish, and French origin.
9. Cedar
Origin: American
This is a simple tree name of American origin for the cedar tree. It can be used for boys and girls.
10. Cullen
Origin: Irish
This name is great for your nature boy. It is of Irish origin and it means “holly tree.” It also means “handsome” in Gaelic.
11. Cypress
Origin: English
This name of English origin makes it easy to see its relationship to nature. It is shared by the cypress tree.
12. Danner
Origin: German
This is a German name that means “dweller by the fig tree.”
13. Elmore
Origin: English
This nature-inspired name is of English origin and it means “moor with elm trees.”
14. Elon
Origin: Hebrew
This tree name is of Hebrew origin and it means “oak tree.”
15. Eoghan
Origin: Irish
This nature name is of Irish origin and it means “born of the yew tree.”
16. Figueroa
Origin: Spanish
This name is of Spanish origin. It is derived from the Galician word “Figueira” which means “fig tree.”
17. Garrick
Origin: French
This tree name is a unique one for your nature boy. It is of French origin and it means “oak tree grove.”
18. Harac
Origin: English
This name of English origin means “from the ancient oak tree.”
19. Idra
Origin: Hebrew
This is a gender-neutral tree name that means “fig tree” in Hebrew.
20. Ivo
Origin: English, Irish, Dutch
This name has several origins including English, Irish, and Dutch. The meaning of this nature name is “yew tree.”
21. Javor
Origin: South Slavic
This is a Slavic topographic name for someone who lived near a maple tree.
22. Kaede
Origin: Japanese
This is a unisex nature-inspired name of Japanese origin and it means “maple tree.”
23. Kiefer
Origin: German
This tree name is derived from an occupational name for a barrel maker. It is of German origin and it means “pine tree.”
24. Lennox
Origin: Scottish
Another gender-neutral name, Lennox is of Scottish origin and it means “many elm trees” or “elm grove.”
25. Linden
Origin: English
This name of English origin means “linden tree hill” or “made from Linwood.”
26. Naim
Origin: English
This name is English for “river with alder trees.”
27. Nash
Origin: English
This trendy tree name is of English origin and it means “by the ash tree.”
28. Oleander
Origin: Greek
This nature name of Greek origin means “evergreen tree.” It is also used for the evergreen shrub that grows in the Meditteranean.
29. Oliver
Origin: French, Latin
This name is of both French and Latin origin. It means “olive tree.”
30. Oren
Origin: Hebrew
This Hebrew name inspired by nature means “ash tree” or “pine tree.”
31. Rowan
Origin: Scottish, Irish
The rowan tree is a tree with red berries. It is of Scottish and Irish origin and means “little redhead.”
Animal-Inspired Boy Names
Animal names make great nature names for boys. Here will find a wide variety of names inspired by a wide variety of animals.
1. Bear
Origin: German
This name is of German origin and it means “strong and brave as a bear.”
2. Buck
Origin: Old English
This name is an Old English term for a male deer.
3. Channing
Origin: English
This nature name of English origin means “young wolf.”
4. Colt
Origin: Middle English
This used to be an occupational last name for someone who looked after horses. It is now more often used for a first name and it means “young horse” in Middle English.
5. Connell
Origin: Irish
This animal name is of Irish origin and it means “strong wolf.”
6. Drake
Origin: English
This name has two meanings. Both meanings are of English origin and they are “dragon” and “male duck.”
7. Fox
Origin: English
The nature meaning of this name is pretty clear. It is the name of the forest animal, the fox.
8. Leo
Origin: German, Latin
This name is of both German origin and Latin origin. It means “lion-hearted” in German and “lion” in Latin.
9. Marshall
Origin: Scottish
This is common as a last name but is more often being used as a given name. It is of Scottish origin and it means “horse servant” or “lover of horses.”
10. Namir
Origin: Arabic
This is a unique choice for a nature-inspired boy name. It is Arabic for “leopard.”
11. Orson
Origin: French, Latin
This name is of both French and Latin origin. It means “bear cub.”
12. Phoenix
Origin: Greek
A phoenix is a mythical bird that represents a rebirth in Greek mythology. Since it is of Greek origin, it means “dark red” which refers to the color of said bird.
13. Robin
Origin: English
This is one of the most common names inspired by nature. It is of English origin and it both refers to the bird called the robin and means “bright fame.”
14. Shepherd
Origin: Middle English
This nature name is great for a little boy. It means “sheepherder” in Middle English.
15. Sparrow
Origin: English
16. Wren
Origin: English
This is a gender-neutral name that means “small bird in the finch family” in English.
Taken from the name of a brown songbird, “Wren” is an English unisex name that means “small bird.”
Botanical-Inspired Boy Names
Although these are less commonly used as natures names for boys, some of these names are rising in popularity.
1. Basil
Origin: Greek
This name is of Greek origin and it means “royal.” It is also a sweet-smelling herb name.
2. Briar
Origin: English
The meaning of this nature boy name is “thorn bush with roses” or “briar patch.” It is of English origin.
3. Bud
Origin: American
Not only does this baby boy’s name of American origin mean “friend,” but it also refers to the bud of a flower. This is a great masculine choice if you like flower names.
4. Fennel
Origin: Latin
This plant name is of Latin origin and it means “little hay.” It is commonly used in several cuisines.
5. Florian
Origin: German
This is a unique nature name for little boys. It is both a German and Latin name that means “blossoming” or “flourishing.”
6. Hawthorne
Origin: English
This boy’s name is of English origin and it translates to “lives where hawthorn hedges grow.” It is also a topographic last name with the same meaning.
7. Huckleberry
Origin: Amercian
Mark Twain was the person that made this name famous. It is of American origin and it means “sweet berry.”
8. Kunal
Origin: Sanskrit
This name means “lotus” in Sanskrit and is a common boy’s name in India.
9. Valerian
Origin: Latin
This name of Latin origin means “strong” or “healthy.” The valerian root comes from an Asian plant that was said to help with insomnia when taken as a supplement.
10. Yarrow
Origin: American , European
This is a Native American and European herb name for a plant that was used for healing. It also means “rough stream.”
Land-Inspired Boy Names
This may be a list of land names for boys, but there are plenty of names for girls inspired by land as well.
1. Ainsley
Origin: English, Scottish
This nature boy name is of English and Scottish origin. It is also used as a girl’s name. It means “solitary clearing” or “one’s own meadow.”
2. Arlo
Origin: English, Spanish
This name is both English and Spanish. It means “fortified hill” in English and “between two hills” in Spanish.
3. Brent
Origin: Celtic
This land inspired name means “from a steep hill” in Celtic.
4. Bryn
Origin: Welsh
This name is great for a baby boy or a baby girl. It is of Welsh origin and it means “hill” or “mound.”
5. Clay
Origin: English
This name of English origin used to primarily be a habitational surname for someone who lived on clay land or worked with clay. It is one of the nature inspired names that is rising in popularity.
6. Ferris
Origin: Irish
This name of Irish origin is a great simple nature name for a little boy. It means “rock.”
7. Forrest
Origin: English
This nature name is and English name that means “woods” or “dweller by the woods.”
8. Glen
Origin: Scottish, Gaelic
This name is of Scottish and Gaelic origin. It means “from the wooded valley.”
9. Heath
Origin: Old English
This is an Old English name that has become a very popular boy name. It was a name given to someone who lived by a heath or a moor.
10. Knox
Origin: Scottish
This is a Scottish name that was derived from the English word “cnocc.” It means “round top hill.”
11. Lance
Origin: Latin
This is a Latin name that literally means “land.” It is a great nature name.
12. Rocky
Origin: Italian
This is the English form of the Italian name “Rocco” and it means “rest” or “rock.”
Water-Inspired Boy Names
1. Adrian
Origin: Italy
This water inspired name was derived from the name Hadria which was a town in Italy that was named after the Adriatic Sea. The name means “son of Adria.”
2. Beck
Origin: Middle English
This name is of Middle English origin and it was a topographic name for someone who lived near a stream.
3. Brooks
Origin: Old English
This nature name is derived from an Old English surname for someone who dwelled by a brook.
4. Cove
Origin: English
This is a gender-neutral English name that means “small bay.” It is a short and sweet option for a boy or a girl name.
5. Dylan
Origin: Welsh
This name is of Welsh origin and it means “born from the ocean” or “son of the sea.”
6. Eaton
Origin: English
This is a unique nature name that is English for “riverside” or “island settlement.”
7. Fisher
Origin: Old English
Thie Old English name was derived from an occupational surname for a fisherman.
8. Kai
Origin: Hawaiian
This is a Hawaiian water name and it simply means “sea.” It is a cute and fun option for your baby boy.
9. Lake
Origin: English
This is a unisex name of English origin that means “body of water.”
10. Malik
Origin: Arabic
This name is of Arabic origin and it can mean “king” or “wave.”
11. Marlin
Origin: Welsh
This is a Welsh name inspired by nature. It means “sea fortress” or “land near the lake.”
12. Morgan
Origin: Old Welsh
This is a variation of the Old Welsh name “Morcant.” It means either “sea born,” “sea song,” or “sea circle.”
13. Moses
Origin: Hebrew
This is a Hebrew name that means “to pull out of water.” It comes from the Bible, as baby Moses was given his name after the Pharaoh’s daughter pulled him out of the Nile River.
14. Ocean
Origin: Greek
This is derived from the Greek word “Okeanos.” It means “sea” or “large body of water.”
15. River
Origin: English
This is an English name that is derived from the Latin word “ripa” which means “riverbank” or “a body of flowing water.”
16. Trent
Origin: English
This name comes from the River Trent in Great Britain. It means “gushing waters.”
17. Wade
Origin: English, Scandinavian
This name is both English and Scandinavian. It means “at the river crossing.”
Weather-Inspired Boy Names
Who knew you could pick a baby name inspired by weather? There are several unique choices here that even make fantastic middle names too.
1. Anan
Origin: Arabic, Hebrew
This is both an Arabic and Hebrew name. It means “clouds” or “vapor.” It’s a fun nature inspired name for a boy.
2. Barrak
Origin: Hebrew
This is a strong boy name inspired by the natural world. It means “lightning” in Hebrew.
3. Corentin
Origin: French
If you are interested in nature inspired names but are drawn to more unique ones, this is a great choice. It is a French name and it means “hurricane.”
4. Coro
Origin: Native American
This is a short and sweet name that works for little boys and little girls. It means “wind” in Native American.
5. Cyrus
Origin: Persian
This name of Persian origin means “sun.” It’s perfect for your little ray of sunshine.
6. Esen
Origin: Turkish
This is another gender neutral option. It is of Turkish origin and it means “the wind.”
7. Keanu
Origin: Hawaiian
The meaning of this weather name is “cool breeze” in Hawaiian.
8. Naseem
Origin: Persian
This is both a Persian and a Muslim name for a baby boy. It means “fresh air.”
9. Neil
Origin: Irish
This is an Irish name that means “cloud.” It is pretty common but it belongs here as one of the best weather babgy names.
10. Rain
Origin: English
This name refers to rain in English. It also has other meanings such as “abundant blessings from above.”
11. Samir
Origin: Arabic
This baby boy name is of Arabic origin. It can either mean “companion” or “gentle breeze.”
12. Skye
Origin: Old Norse
This name is derived from the Old Norse word “sky” which speaks of the sky and clouds.
13. Zephyr
Origin: Greek
This boy name is of Greek origin and it means “west wind.”
Earthy Names for Boys
It’s no surprise that we have a category for earthy names. There are some old favorites as well as names you wouldn’t quite expect. Either way, you are sure to find a lovely name here.
1. Aaron
Origin: Hebrew
This earthy name is of Hebrew origin and it means “mountain strength.”
2. Adam
Origin: Hebrew
This name is derived from the Hebrew word “adamah” which means “son of the red earth.”
3. Bartlett
Origin: Hebrew
This is another Hebrew name and a fun alternative for “Bartholomew.” It means “earth.”
4. Brandon
Origin: English
This name has a two different earthy meanings, both of English origin. They are “from broom hill” and “fiery hill.”
5. Genesis
Origin: Hebrew
This is a name of the first book of the Bible and it means “creation” in Hebrew. It symbolizes the creation of earth and life.
6. Geo
Origin: Greek
This is actually used as a prefix for “land” or “ground.” This baby name of Greek origin is a cute option for a baby boy.
7. Ridge
Origin: Old English
This meaning of this name is “continuous elevated mountain crest” in Old English.
8. Slate
Origin: American
This name of American origin is the word used for a type of blue-green rock.
9. Terran
Origin: English
This is a gender-neutral name of English origin that means “of the earth.”
Mythological Nature Boy Names
Who wouldn’t want to name their little boy after a God or even a Goddess? All of the options here can be found in several different types of mythology, giving them each a significant meaning.
1. Acheron
Origin: Greek
This is a Greek name and it comes from Greek mythology. Acheron was the God of the Underworld River of Pain.
2. Artemis
Origin: Greek
This name of Greek origin is a great gedner neutral name inspired by nature. It comes from the Greek Goddess of the Moon.
3. Atlas
Origin: Greek
Another name of Greek origin, Atlas was known as the “bearer of the heavens.”
4. Dionysus
Origin: Greek
Dionysus was the Greek God of Wine and Vegetation in Greek mythology.
5. Faunus
Origin: Latin
This is a Latin name from Roman mythology. Faunus was known both as the God of Forests and the God of Nature.
6. Freyr
Origin: Old Norse
This name means “lord” in Old Norse. Freyr was the God of Weather and Good Harvest in Norse mythology.
7. Neptune
Origin: Latin
This is a name if Latin origin. Neptune was the Roman God of the Sea.
8. Osiris
Origin: Greek
Osiris is an ancient Egyptian God. He was the God of the Dead, Fertility, and Agriculture.
9. Pan
Origin: Green, Hindi
This name is of both Greek and Hindi origin. Pan was the Greek God of Shepherds, Pastures, and Fertility.
10. Silvanus
Origin: Latin
This Latin name means “in the woods.” Silvanus was a Roman deity of woods and uncultivated lands.
11. Thor
Origin: Scandinavian, Norse
This name is of Scandinavian origin and it means “thunder.” Thor was the Norse God of Thunder and Storms.
12. Zeus
Origin: Greek
This name means “sky” or “shine” in Greek. Zeus was the God of all Gods in Greek mythology.
Other Nature Names For Boys
Even though these nature names for boys don’t exactly fit in a specific category, we had to include them anyway. Not only are they uncommon, they’re also fun.
1. Acacius
Origin: Greek
This name is of Greek origin and it means “spine” or “thorn.”
2. Denali
Origin: Native American
This is a Native American name that means “the great one.” It comes from the Denali National Park located in Alaska.
3. Everest
Origin: Welsh
This one comes from the Earth’s highest mountain, Mount Everest. It was named after a Welsh geographer named Sir George Everest.
4. Gardner
Origin: English
This is a name of English origin and it means “keeper of the garden.”
5. Jasper
Origin: Latin
Part of the quartz family, jasper is a common red stone or mineral.
6. Juniper
Origin: English
The meaning of this name is “evergreen plant lake” in English.
7. Kale
Origin: English, German
This name means “free man” in English and German. It is also a dark leafy green vegetable.
8. Leaf/Lief
Origin: English, Scandinavian
Leaf is English for a part of a plant. The Scandinavian version is Lief, which means “heir.”
9. Nir
Origin: Hebrew
This is a Hebrew name that means “plowed field.”
10. Onyx
Origin: Greek
This is a black gemstone. The name is of Greek origin and it means “claw.” It is a great unisex nature name.
Need more names?
Find the perfect baby name for your little one by selecting from our diverse lists below:
100 Irish Names With Meanings for Boys and Girls
100 Southern Girl Names: A List of the Most Beautiful and Meaningful
65 Adorable Old-Fashioned Girl Names
112 Korean Girl Names That Will Fit Any Little Girl
40 Popular, Traditional, and Unique Hawaiian boy names
60 Powerful Names That Mean Protector
100 Biblical Boy Names: With Meanings
79 Country Girl Names With Meanings
30 Trendy & Classic One-Syllable Boy Names
50 Sizzling Hot Names That Mean Fire
38 Perfectly Chosen Japanese Princess Names for Your Baby Girl
40 Beautiful Hawaiian Girl Names
80 Mixed-Race Baby Boy Names With Beautiful Meanings
100 Chinese Girl Names: Uncover the Meaning & Beauty Behind Our Top Picks
60 Black Girl Names With Origins and Meanings
The Ultimate List of Country Boy Names and their Meanings
50 of the Most Popular Teddy Bear Names for Your Stuffed Animals
70 Meaningful Japanese Boy Names I Love
Unique Mountain-Inspired Boy Names and Their Meaningful Origins
100 Scottish Girl Names and their Meanings
81 Pretty & Unique Japanese Names for Girls (With Meanings)
86 Sweet and Stylish Nicknames That Start with S
50 Unique, Popular, and Fascinating Names That Mean Death
From Aaliyah to Zoe: The Ultimate Collection of Ghetto Girl Names
130 Pretty Flower Names for Boys and Girls
100 Powerful & Strong Girl Names and their Meanings
Japanese Names Meaning Beautiful Child of the Moon
66 Meaningful Unique Twin Boy Names That Rhyme
Final Words
From oak trees to an herb name, nature boy names have endless possibilities. We know that choosing the perfect name for your new family member is important and that is why this list gives outdoor lovers the inspiration they’re looking for. Besides, what better way to honor our planet than to choose one of these natures names for boys.