Looking for a compact and convertible car seat?
In that case, you’ll want to take a look at the Clek Fllo which boasts being a compact car seat without forfeiting style, safety, and comfort.
Basically the Fllo is a lighter and less expensive model than Clek Foonf. And if you read my review on the Foonf, you know how much I love that seat. So…
Click here to see today’s best price from Amazon on the Clek Fllo
Or read on to look into more detail and decide whether the Clek Fllo is the right car seat choice for you.
Table of Contents
- What Is The Clek Fllo
- Pros and Cons
- Weight, Dimensions, and Weight Limits
- Weight and Height Ranges
- Using it for Newborn Babies and Infants
- Using it for Toddlers and Older Kids
- Safety Review and Crash Test Results
- How Does it Compare to Other Car Seats
- Clek Foonf vs Fllo
- Clek Fllo vs Diono Rainier
- Clek Fllo vs Diono RXT
- Clek Fllo vs Peg Perego
- Clek Fllo vs Britax Boulevard
- Clek Fllo vs Nuna Rava
- How to Install the Clek Fllo Front Facing
- How to Install the Clek Fllo Rear Facing
- Airplane Installation
- What is the Recline Range?
- What is the Anti Rebound Bar?
- What Colors and Fabrics does the Clek Fllo Come In?
- What Accessories Can I Get?
- Clek Fllo Expiration
- The Bottom Line
What Is The Clek Fllo
The Clek Fllo has all the bells and whistles you need without quite the steep price tag of the Clek Foonf. I like that they just streamlined the Clek Foonf to make a less expensive option for parents who don’t want to sacrifice quality and safety.
The Clek Fllo has to be one of the fanciest car seats for its price range. It has a nice array of colors and fabrics. Besides being pretty, the fabric is handy, too. They use a Crypton Super Fabric that are GREENGUARD Select Certified. What’s that mean in English?
Basically, this fabric is indestructible and non-toxic. It also provides PERMANENT protection against stain, moisture, and odor causing bacteria. The Clek Fllo fabric is also free of brominated and chlorinated flame retardants. That’s a lot to throw at you, but it just proves that it is a quality car seat. While it’s not machine washable, you can probably see why it’s not now. You won’t need or want to machine wash it.
Let’s talk safety now. We all know this is the top priority with a car seat and for a good reason. This is the whole point of the car seat in the first place, right? The Clek Fllo has so many safety features, so let’s dive in.
Extended rear-facing capability is something all parents need to be researching in a car seat. The Clek Fllo delivers here and then some. It has rear-facing capabilities up to 50 pounds! This was unheard of a few years ago, and now there are still only a handful of car seats that can offer this.
Here’s another heavy hitter for the safety features in the Clek Fllo, the anti-rebound bar. This improves stability in the car seat and allows less force to reach your child in the event of an accident.
The Clek Fllo has advanced side impact protection as well. What does that mean for you? The Clek Fllo has 3 things that really help it stand out in side impact protection including: An adjustable headrest with deep side wings, energy absorbing side layers, and a metal substructure.
The adjustable headrest is state-of-the art. It is energy absorbing foam lined. I’ve said it a lot and I will probably say it a lot more. Anytime you can reduce the energy or force on your child, the safer they are. Coupled with the steel rods it uses to connect the headrest to the seat, your child’s precious melon is as safe as can be.
The energy absorbing side layers are no secret. Again, you decrease the amount of force on your child, making it more safe for them in the event of a collision. Plus, hey, any extra padding can’t hurt the comfort level right?
The metal substructure isn’t some flimsy deal that will have you questioning its safety. The Clek Fllo has a steel substructure making it extremely safe. Steel doesn’t twist easily. That’s important if there is a crash because it will keep your little one safe and sound in their seat.
The Clek Fllo has more than just a safe headrest. The rest of the frame is made of high quality materials to ensure safety as well.
In fact, they use EACT to make sure your little one is safe. What is EACT? It stands for energy absorbing crumple technology. In layman’s terms, that means that if you are in an accident, the car seat itself will crumple partially to reduce the force pushed onto your little one. This is huge! It’s about the safest technology there is for car seats.
While safety is my number 1 priority with a car seat, convenience is a close second. If you need a car seat that is going to be easy to use, easy to clean, and easy for your kid to get in and out, the Clek Fllo is your kind of car seat.
The Clek Fllo is compact. Do you have multiples? Maybe you just want more room in the back of your vehicle. The Clek Fllo has your back. It is only 17 inches wide so it should be able to fit 3 across in most vehicles.
It also has an easy install. Which, if you have EVER installed a car seat, you know the pain and suffering it can cause. I remember the first time i installed a car seat, I was 9 months pregnant and I may have cried. It doesn’t have to be that way, though!
The Clek Fllo has an integrated flip-foot for rear facing installation. The base of the seat is only 13 inches. This is an important feature because a lot of seats are not just flat or at a 90 degree angle. A lot of us have bucket type seats or seats that have a little bit of an angle to them. The base will fit in the flat portion of the seat so you don’t have to worry what kind of seat you have.
Another great feature of the Clek Fllo is that it’s approved for travel on an airplane. If you are planning on doing any kind of travel, you really want a car seat that is certified to go with you. The Clek Fllo is compact enough to use on the airplane while keeping your child safe and sound.
Is it the best convertible car seat of 2018? I would say it definitely ranks up there in the top 5, and depending on what your needs are, could be the #1 car seat for you.
Pros and Cons
The Clek Fllo has a whole lot of positives and very little drawbacks. I would safely say this is one of the best car seats on the market. Nonetheless, let’s check out the pros and cons to paint a sound picture.
- Compact
- Wonderful safety measures
- Airplane ready
- Extended rear facing
- Anti-rebound bar
- Beautiful colors
- Easy to clean fabric
- Easy to install
- It’s still a little pricey
- Not machine washable
- Can’t fit in x-ray at airport
- Infant insert is extra
Weight, Dimensions, and Weight Limits
The Clek Fllo is compact but still offers a lengthy range of weight and height options. Let’s take a look at the specifics.
Seating depth: 12.5 inches
Harness-slot Height: 8-17 inches
Width 13-17 inches
Fore-aft Measurement in Rear-Facing: 32.5 inches (only 29 inches without anti-rebound bar)
Height Measurement in Rear-Facing: 23.5-27 inches
Fore-aft Measurement in Forward-Facing: 24 inches
Height Measurement in Forward-Facing: 26-31 inches
Seat Weight: 25 pounds (28 pounds with anti-rebound bar)
Weight and Height Ranges
The Clek Fllo has a 25-43 inch height range and 14-50 pound weight range. This is a very extended range for rear-facing. To extend this for newborns, you can purchase the Infant Thingy at an extra cost. This will allow you to use the Clek Fllo for a baby starting at 5 pounds and 19 inches.
The Clek Fllo has a 30-49 inch height range and a 22-65 pound weight range. You should wait until at least a year to turn your child forward-facing but it is recommended to wait until at least 2 year old. Most experts will agree to keep your child rear-facing as long as possible and safe in height and weight restrictions.
Using it for Newborn Babies and Infants
As I mentioned before, you CAN use the Clek Fllo for newborns and infants. All you need to do is purchase the Infant Thingy. The Infant Thingy is basically an infant insert to keep your especially tiny baby safe. It’s for babies that are 5+ pounds and 19+ inches.
If you don’t use the Infant Thingy, you will have to wait until your child fits the weight and height range of 14-50 pounds and 25-43 inches. They need to be able to sit up on their own. That can be anywhere from 4 months to 6 months. The Infant Thingy is definitely worth the purchase. It’s way better than buying a whole extra car seat.
Using it for Toddlers and Older Kids
I like the Clek Fllo especially for toddlers and older kids. The weight and height range of 22-65 pounds and 30-49 inches really helps keep your kiddo forward facing for a long time. The longer you can keep them in an actual car seat, the safer they will be.
In addition to the safety, I like the comfort level of the Clek Fllo for older children. It has so much cushion that it is a very enjoyable ride. Finally, the fact that it is SUPER easy to clean makes it perfect for all the apple juice spills that life throws at you.
Safety Review and Crash Test Results
As we talked about previously, the safety in the Clek Fllo is practically unheard of. It has so many special features that make it one of the safest seats on the market. From the anti-rebound bar to the extra side impact safety, it really has it all.
Extended rear-facing capability is the first thing you want to look for as far as safety in a car seat goes. The Clek Fllo delivers one of the highest range of rear-facing weight and height limits.
It’s no secret that the Clek Fllo has a special feature, the anti-rebound bar. This improves stability in the car seat and allows less force to reach your child in the event of an accident. Like I’ve said a million times, the less force that impacts your child the safer they will be.
If that’s not enough safety for you, there’s more. The Clek Fllo has advanced side impact protection as well. This means that the Clek Fllo has 3 things that really help it stand out in side impact protection including: An adjustable headrest with deep side wings, energy absorbing side layers, and a metal substructure.
The adjustable headrest is state of the art. It is energy absorbing foam lined. Once again, anytime you can reduce the energy or force on your child, the safer they are. Coupled with the steel rods it uses to connect the headrest to the seat, your child’s head is as safe as can be.
The energy absorbing side layers are just extra cushion for any blow that may come. In the event of a collision, you want as much padding as possible to reduce force. Plus, hey, any extra padding can’t hurt the comfort level right?
The metal substructure isn’t some flimsy deal that will have you questioning its safety. The Clek Fllo has a steel substructure making it extremely safe. Steel doesn’t twist easily. That’s important in the event of a crash because it will keep your little one safe and sound in their seat.
The Clek Fllo has more than just a safe headrest. The rest of the frame is made of high quality materials to ensure safety as well. Steel is something that you want to use in the event of a significant force. The Clek Fllo uses steel to keep your car seat from twisting.
In fact, they use EACT to make sure your little one is safe. What is EACT? It stands for energy absorbing crumple technology. In layman’s terms, that means that if you are in an accident the car seat itself will crumple partially to reduce the force pushed onto your little one. The Clek Fllo really does have about the safest technology there is for car seats.
How Does it Compare to Other Car Seats
Clek Foonf vs Fllo
These are pretty close in comparison. The Fllo just is a little less expensive and has not quite the safety standards as the Foonf. That being said, I think that the Fllo really is a wise choice, but if you can foot the extra cash, the Foonf is excellent.
Clek Foonf
- 14-50 pound rear facing capacity
- 22-65 pound forward facing capacity
- 25/30 pound lower anchor weight limit
- Lower anchor are rigid anchors, can be used forward facing with seat belt
- More expensive
- A base that attaches to bottom of the seat to recline the car seat.
- Anti-rebound bar
Clek Fllo
- 14-50 pound rear facing capacity
- 22-65 pound forward facing capacity
- Anti-rebound bar
- 35/40 pound lower anchor weight limit
- Flexible lower anchors
- Recline foot- may need more help from towel/pool noodle
Clek Fllo vs Diono Rainier
Both car seats are really good choices. I think if you really want to have a 3-in-1 seat, you’ll want to go with the Diono Rainier. However, I’m a sucker for the safety features of the Clek Fllo.
Clek Fllo
- Less expensive
- 2-in-1 seat
- Max weight 50 pounds
- Energy absorbing foam on sides
- Anti-rebound bar
- Easy boarding
- Fits 3 across
Diono Rainier
- More expensive
- 3-in-1 seat
- Max weight 90 pounds
- Energy absorbing foam on sides
- Easy boarding
- Folds flat for easy traveling
Clek Fllo vs Diono RXT
Clek Fllo
- Less expensive
- 2-in-1 seat
- Max weight 50 pounds
- Energy absorbing foam on sides
- Anti-rebound bar
- Easy boarding
- Fits 3 across
- Max weight rear-facing 50 pound
- More expensive
- 3-in-1 seat
- Max weight 80 pounds
- Energy absorbing foam on sides
- Easy boarding
- Max weight rear-facing 45 pounds
Clek Fllo vs Peg Perego
Again, both excellent seat choices. I like a few features about the Peg Perego like the extended forward facing weight limit. I still like the Clek Fllo better for safety reasons.
Clek Fllo
- Higher ratings
- 5 lb min weight with purchase of infant thingy
- Max weight rear facing 50 pounds
- Max weight forward facing 65 pounds
- Less wide
- EACT safety feature
- Anti-rebound bar
- Seat weighs 25 pounds
Peg Perego
- 5 lb min weight
- Max weight rear facing 45 pounds
- Max weight forward facing 70 pounds
- More wide
- Seat weighs 21 pounds
Clek Fllo vs Britax Boulevard
I really like both of these car seats. I can see why someone would choose the Britax Boulevard (or Advocate or Marathon which are quite similar). However, it is really bulky. If you want to fit multiple seats or have a smaller vehicle, I think it would be too tight of a squeeze. I choose the Clek Fllo here for that reason and also for safety (again).
Clek Fllo
- More expensive
- Anti-rebound bar
- Max weight 50 pounds
- Compact
- Seat weighs 25 pounds
- Anti-rebound bar
- EACT safety features
Britax Boulevard
- Less expensive
- Max weight 65 pounds
- Bigger and bulkier
- Seat weighs 19.5 pounds
- Safe cell safety protection
Clek Fllo vs Nuna Rava
This is a tough one. I really like both of these seats. I think the Nuna is a BEAST of a car seat. It has a lot of options, is really safe, and is very luxurious. On the other hand, I love the compact nature and super safe features of the Clek Fllo. This one is close to a toss up, but you guessed it, I’m giving it to the Clek Fllo.
Clek Fllo
- Less expensive
- Maximum weight 50 pounds
- Rear and forwarding facing
- Extra side impact protection via energy absorbing padding
- Less wide
- Lock-offs
Nuna Rava
- More expensive
- Maximum weight 65 pounds
- Rear and forward facing
- Side impact protection pods
- More wide
- True tension doors
How to Install the Clek Fllo Front Facing
*Always refer to your product’s instruction manual before installation!
- Make sure that anti-rebound bar is detached.
- Make sure that rear-facing base is detached.
- Adjust shoulder harness to appropriate height for your child.
- Install headrest on seat if not already installed.
Installation with UAS System
- Locate lower and top anchors for UAS system.
- Make sure the vehicle seat is locked in an upright position.
- Adjust car seat to correct recline position by pulling handle and rotating seat.
- Pull and hold rigid UAS adjustment handle.
- Grasp the back of the rigid UAS lower connectors and pull out until they stop.
- Release the handle.
- Remove the top tether from storage space in car seat.
- Lengthen the top tether belt by pressing adjuster release and pulling belt.
- Place the top tether hook in the seat of the car seat.
- If installing with vehicle belt in addition to UAS and top tether:
- Route vehicle belt through forward facing belt path and buckle seat belt.
- Make sure not to put the vehicle belt between the harness and the back of the seat.
- Open the forward-facing belt lock-off on the same side of the seat as the vehicle shoulder belt anchor point.
- Place the vehicle shoulder belt through the forward-facing belt lock-off.
- Place the car seat forward-facing on the seat with the rigid UAS lower connectors facing the vehicle seat.
- Secure the rigid UAS lower connectors to the vehicle UAS lower anchors.
- Press the UAS connectors against the UAS lower anchors until each connector locks.
- Check both UAS connector locks to make sure they have changed from red to green.
- Pull forward on the car seat to make sure both connectors are secure.
- Pull and hold rigid UAS adjustment handle.
- Push the car seat firmly into the vehicle seat back.
- Release the rigid UAS adjustment handle.
- Check the fit against the vehicle seat back.
- Attach tether hook to vehicle top tether anchor.
- Pull firmly on free end of strap until top tether is snug.
- Check that the seat is secure by wiggling front to back and side to side.
Installation with Seat Belt
- Make sure the vehicle seat is locked in an upright position.
- Adjust car seat to correct recline position by pulling handle and rotating seat.
- Pull and hold rigid UAS adjustment handle.
- Grasp the back of the rigid UAS lower connectors and pull out until they stop.
- Release the handle.
- Remove the top tether from storage space in car seat.
- Lengthen the top tether belt by pressing adjuster release and pulling belt.
- Place the top tether hook in the seat of the car seat.
- Place the car seat forward-facing on the seat.
- Route the vehicle belt through the forward-facing belt path.
- Make sure not to put the vehicle belt between the harness and the back of the seat.
- Open the forward-facing belt lock-off on the same side of the seat as the vehicle shoulder belt anchor point.
- Place the vehicle shoulder belt through the forward-facing belt lock-off.
- Tighten vehicle seat belt to secure car seat.
- Press down in the center of the car seat into the vehicle seat.
- Pull vehicle seat belt to tighten.
- If you are using a lap/shoulder belt: while holding the vehicle belt tight, lock forward-facing belt lock-off.
- Make sure the belt is laying flat without any twisting.
- Attach the tether hook to vehicle top tether anchor.
- Pull firmly on the free end of the strap until the top tether is snug.
- Check that the car seat is secure by wiggling it forward and backward and side to side.
How to Install the Clek Fllo Rear Facing
*Always refer to your product’s instruction manual before installation!
- Install headrest on seat.
- Rear-facing base must be attached to the bottom of the car seat.
- Adjust shoulder harness to appropriate height for your child.
- Recline car seat to position 3.
- Install anti-rebound bar.
Installation with UAS System
- Locate your lower anchors on your vehicle seat.
- Make sure seat is locked in upright position.
- Remove seat cushion.
- Remove rear-facing UAS belt from it’s storage position.
- Lengthen each side of the UAS belt by pushing the adjuster release button.
- Route the rear-facing UAS belt through the rear-facing UAS path.
- Center the rear-facing UAS belth in the belt path.
- Place it under the two forward belt tabs and over rear-facing belt lock offs.
- Make sure the crotch strap is not under the rear-facing UAS belt.
- Place the car seat rear-facing in the vehicle seat.
- Secure the rear-facing UAS push-on connectors to the vehicle UAS lower anchors.
- Position the red release button of rear-facing UAS push-on connector facing away from the car seat.
- Align the UAS connector with the vehicle UAS anchor and press the UAS connector against the UAS anchor until you hear it click.
- Pull on both connectors to make sure they are secure.
- Press down in the middle of the car seat with your weight and tighten the rear-facing UAS belt on both sides.
- Check car seat is secure by wiggling front to back and side to side.
- Make sure that ground level is within the recline range depicted on the side of the car seat for your child.
- If it is not, you may need to use a pool noodle or rolled up towel to achieve correct recline.
- Install seat cushion.
Installation with Seat Belt
- Make sure seat is locked in upright position.
- Remove seat cushion.
- Place the car seat rear-facing in the vehicle seat.
- Open one rear-facing belt lock-off. (It doesn’t matter which side).
- Route the vehicle seat belt through rear-facing belt path and under all four belt tabs.
- Buckle vehicle seat belt.
- Check that the crotch strap isn’t under the vehicle seat belt.
- If installing with a lap/shoulder belt without the lock-off:
- Tighten the vehicle seat belt to secure the car seat.
- Engage the vehicle’s ALR by slowly pulling the vehicle seat belt all the way out until it stops.
- Then, feed the belt back into the retractor.
- Press down in the center of the car seat to push down into the vehicle cushion.
- Pull free the shoulder portion of the lap/shoulder belt to tighten.
- Feed any remaining belt back into the retractor.
- Make sure the entire lap/shoulder belt is under all four belt tabs and over both rear-facing lock-offs.
- Check to make sure your car seat is secure by wiggling front to back and side to side.
- Make sure that ground level is within the recline range depicted on the side of the car seat for your child.
- If it is not, you may need to use a pool noodle or rolled up towel to achieve correct recline.
- Install seat cushion.
Airplane Installation
*Always refer to your product’s instruction manual before installation!
Forward Facing
- Make sure the airplane seat is locked in an upright position.
- Adjust car seat to correct recline position by pulling handle and rotating seat.
- Pull and hold rigid UAS adjustment handle.
- Grasp the back of the rigid UAS lower connectors and pull out until they stop.
- Release the handle.
- Place the car seat forward-facing on the seat.
- Route the airline seat belt through the forward-facing belt path.
- Make sure not to put the airline seat belt between the harness and the back of the seat.
- Open the forward-facing belt lock-off on the same side of the seat as the airplane shoulder belt anchor point.
- Place the airplane shoulder belt through the forward-facing belt lock-off.
- Tighten airplane seat belt to secure car seat.
- Press down in the center of the car seat into the airplane seat.
- Pull airplane seat belt to tighten.
- If you are using a lap/shoulder belt: while holding the vehicle belt tight, lock forward-facing belt lock-off.
- Make sure the belt is laying flat without any twisting.
- Check that the car seat is secure by wiggling it forward and backward and side to side.
Rear Facing
- Make sure seat is locked in upright position.
- Remove seat cushion.
- Place the car seat rear-facing in the airplane seat.
- Open one rear-facing belt lock-off. (It doesn’t matter which side).
- Route the airplane seat belt through rear-facing belt path and under all four belt tabs.
- Buckle airplane seat belt.
- Check that the crotch strap isn’t under the airplane seat belt.
- If installing with a lap/shoulder belt without the lock-off:
- Tighten the airplane seat belt to secure the car seat.
- Engage the airplane’s ALR by slowly pulling the vehicle seat belt all the way out until it stops.
- Then, feed the belt back into the retractor.
- Press down in the center of the car seat to push down into the airplane cushion.
- Pull free the shoulder portion of the lap/shoulder belt to tighten.
- Feed any remaining belt back into the retractor.
- Make sure the entire lap/shoulder belt is under all four belt tabs and over both rear-facing lock-offs.
- Check to make sure your car seat is secure by wiggling front to back and side to side.
- Make sure that ground level is within the recline range depicted on the side of the car seat for your child.
- If it is not, you may need to use a pool noodle or rolled up towel to achieve correct recline.
- Install seat cushion.
As an extra side note here: the Clek Fllo does not fit through the x-ray in airplane security. Make sure to leave time to go through security.
What is the Recline Range?
The recline feature is really easy in the Clek Fllo. There are two different lines on the side of the seat. One part refers to children under 22 pounds and the other, you guessed it, for over 22 pounds. The best part is that you can use any recline between the two lines after your baby weighs 22 pounds. This is really important if you have a heftier baby that still needs a decent recline.
What is the Anti Rebound Bar?
The anti-rebound bar is one of the best features of the Clek Fllo. Basically it is just a bar that you put on the back of the car seat when it is rear-facing. That may not seem exciting but what it does is so important. It absorbs the energy in the event of a crash. It’s going to take on that force so that it doesn’t translate onto your child. It’s such an excellent feature and one of the reasons the Clek Fllo is so safe.
What Colors and Fabrics does the Clek Fllo Come In?
Style is secretly one of my favorite parts about car seats. The Clek Fllo doesn’t disappoint. It truly is a nice looking car seat that comes in a wide range of styles to choose from.
Noire (black shell and dark grey fabric), Shadow (black shell and black fabric), Tank (black shell and olive green fabric), Ink (black shell and dark blue fabric), Flamingo (black shell and dark pink fabric), Capri (black shell and teal fabric), Thunder (black shell and grey patterned fabric), Slate (black shell with black patterned fabric), Tokidoki Space (black shell with space pattern fabric).
What Accessories Can I Get?
There are three main accessories you can buy for the Clek Fllo. The most practical and perhaps most widely bought is the Infant Thingy. This is the infant insert to allow a newborn from 5 pounds up to sit in the Clek Fllo.
The second most bought is the drink thingy. This is the cup holder. You can get one or two. I think you know how handy these are if you are a parent. If you don’t know or haven’t used a cup holder with a car seat before, do yourself a favor and just get one (or two).
Finally, the Mat-Thingy is the car seat mat. Need I say more? If you want to keep your vehicle in at least sort of presentable condition, I would highly suggest getting a mat-thingy.
Clek Fllo Expiration
The Clek Fllo has an expiration of 9 years after manufacture date. That’s a really nice range for a couple of reasons. I like that it’s nice and long but not life-time. The life-time car seats make me nervous because there are so many updates in car seat safety and technology over time. It would be impossible for it to be comparable.
The Bottom Line
The Clek Fllo has it all. It has excellent safety features, beautiful style, and is easy to use. Plus, your little one is going to like the ride. It is just a little easier on the wallet than the Clek Foonf making it a great buy. I would rank the Clek Fllo as one of the best car seats on the market.
Click here to see today’s best price from Amazon on the Clek Fllo